The Nigeria Dog Breeders Union (NDBU) is a registered, internationally recognized national kennel club committed to uniting all breed clubs and associations across Nigeria.



We, the dog breeders, enthusiasts, and owners of Nigeria, recognizing the need for a unified body to protect and promote responsible breeding practices, ensure the well-being of dogs, and foster collaboration among all dog-related associations and clubs, do hereby establish the Nigeria Dog Breeders Union (NDBU).

**Article I: Name**
The name of the organization shall be the *Nigeria Dog Breeders Union (NDBU)*.

**Article II: Objectives**
The objectives of NDBU are to:
1. Promote the breeding of purebred dogs in accordance with recognized international standards.
2. Protect the values and beliefs of local breed clubs, state clubs, kennel clubs, and community kennels.
3. Unite all dog breeders, enthusiasts, and related organizations in Nigeria under one goal: advancing the quality of dog breeding, ownership, and dog care.
4. Organize dog shows, dog walks, and educational seminars across Nigeria.
5. Register dogs and litters in collaboration with the World Dog Federation (WDF).
6. Provide training and certification opportunities for NDBU members to become certified breed judges under international standards.
7. Invite WDF judges and other experts to officiate at NDBU events and train Nigerian judges.
8. Foster responsible dog ownership and ensure high standards of care and welfare for all dogs.

**Article III: Membership**
1. Membership in NDBU shall be open to:
a. State clubs, breed clubs, and community kennels.
b. Individual dog breeders and owners who adhere to the union’s objectives.
c. Kennel clubs across Nigeria that align with NDBU’s mission.
2. Membership classes:
a. **Affiliate Members** – Local or state clubs, associations, or kennels.
b. **Individual Members** – Breeders or dog owners.
c. **Honorary Members** – Individuals or organizations that have significantly contributed to dog breeding in Nigeria or internationally.
3. Membership fees and dues shall be determined by the Executive Council.

**Article IV: Structure of NDBU**
1. **Executive Council**:
The governing body of NDBU shall be the Executive Council, which shall be elected every four years. The council shall consist of the following officers:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary-General
d. Treasurer
e. Public Relations Officer
f. Director of Breeding and Standards
g. Director of Events and Shows
2. **Duties of the Executive Council**:
a. **President** – Shall preside over all meetings and represent NDBU in all matters.
b. **Vice-President** – Shall assist the President and act in their absence.
c. **Secretary-General** – Shall be responsible for keeping records, minutes of meetings, and correspondence.
d. **Treasurer** – Shall manage the union’s finances and present financial reports.
e. **Public Relations Officer** – Shall be responsible for the public image and promotion of NDBU’s activities.
f. **Director of Breeding and Standards** – Shall oversee adherence to international breeding standards and work with WDF for certifications.
g. **Director of Events and Shows** – Shall coordinate all NDBU events, including dog shows, walks, and seminars.

**Article V: Meetings**
1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year to review the year’s activities, elect officers, and plan for the following year.
2. The Executive Council shall meet quarterly to assess the progress of NDBU’s objectives and address any challenges.
3. Extraordinary meetings may be called by the President or any five members of the Executive Council in case of urgent matters.

**Article VI: Finances**
1. The NDBU shall derive its funds from membership fees, event registration fees, sponsorships, and donations.
2. All funds shall be deposited into a bank account in the name of NDBU.
3. The Treasurer shall present an audited financial report at the AGM.

**Article VII: Affiliations**
1. NDBU shall seek partnerships and affiliations with international bodies, especially the World Dog Federation (WDF), to ensure that Nigerian breeding standards meet global expectations.
2. NDBU members shall have opportunities to participate in international workshops and obtain certification in cynology and dog judging.

**Article VIII: Amendments**
This constitution may be amended at the AGM by a two-thirds majority of voting members, provided notice of the proposed amendment is given to the membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

**Article IX: Dissolution**
In the event of dissolution, the assets of NDBU shall be used to settle any outstanding liabilities, and any remaining assets shall be donated to a recognized dog welfare charity in Nigeria.

This document ensures that the NDBU has a solid foundation for unifying and promoting the Nigerian dog breeding community under recognized standards.

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